Many people ask a question whether or not to build houses from shell. It is almost impossible to get an unambiguous answer, because what will be positive for one may always be not entirely suitable for another. First of all, it is worth noting that the shell -free shell personifies the building material, which has been used for more than one century. To decorate buildings, it is impossible to come up with a more perfect building material than this. It should also be noted that the direct decoration of the shellout is very practical and reliable. Using such a cladding, it is safe to calculate that it will not crack in any case and does not deteriorate. By the way, at Yekaterinburg, ul. Academician Schwartz, D.17g can be found dealers who sell gifts and other accessories.
The shellout is solely suitable for those people who prefer beauty, grace and superiority in everything. You should not think that the construction of housing from the shellout is a new technology, no, as already mentioned, the houses built in this way stand for more than one century. No weather and temperature exposure can affect the shell. That is, outwardly, such houses will look like they looked in their original form. There are much more advantages than disadvantages that are generally difficult to find.
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