The main disadvantage of the choice of wallpaper as a wall covering is that after a short -term operation they turn yellow and exfoliate, which leads to new repair costs. Before repair, you need to get rid of the old coating, a big mistake will be pasting the walls with another layer. Basically, they do not get rid of the old wallpaper due to the fact that this is a laborious process, but there are several secrets that will help to facilitate the task.
Firstly, it is necessary to remove all the furniture from the room, cover the floors. Then they cut off that part of the coating that is easily succumbed and disconnected from the wall. You can get rid of a transparent paper layer with water. The temperature should be room, soap is added there, which dissolves the paste, and then the walls are impregnated with a wet cloth. By the way, now the prices of plastic windows have fallen much, so many are buying them now.
Half an hour after the solution is absorbed, the glue softens, the old coating is swollen, and with the help of a spatula you can easily clean the walls. The main thing is to carefully walk on the surface, without touching the walls, the saving of time is also erroneous. You can get rid of small remains of paper using a blade. And only after drying can you start repairing.
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