We make a sieve.

A small sieve.

When planting seedlings and transplanting home plants, it is pleasant to work with a sifted compost. This small sieve is perfect for a small garden, it is convenient to manage one person with it. It is enough to shake the sieve so that the small particles of compost, completely ready for use, wake up to the ground, and large fragments remained on Sita. They can be sent again to a compost pile.


• A knotted board 6 feet long and a section of 516 inches

• Fessed head-heading head

• pistol for brackets

• metal scissors

• A hammer

• Working gloves

Sawing lumber.

Sprinkle the board into two for 18 inches (long sides) (a) and two 10 inches (short sides) (b).

Production of a sieve.

Attach the long sides (a) with screws to the ends of the short sides (b), drilling pre -pilot holes. Then pull the wire mesh onto the frame and attach it with brackets around the perimeter of the sieve.

If thin wooden planks are filled onto the edges of the sieves on top of the metal mesh, they will make a sieve stronger and will not let the grids cling to your working gloves.