Finishing the children’s room

It is in this room that you cannot save on repair and materials, here it is best to use natural materials and pieces of furniture so that the child has his own fairy -tale world.

And at the very beginning it is worth deciding where to start the finish of the children’s room.

Experts, of course, recommend starting the decoration of the room with the removal of old coatings, from the walls, ceiling and floor. And after selecting a good color scheme of the room and looking for high -quality materials.

And it is best to finish this room to entrust specialists who will draw up the work plan, calculate the costs and, of course, choose the most optimal colors in the children’s room.

In the children’s room you can install stretch ceilings of St. Petersburg, and of course, in this case, you should immediately think over the lighting of the children’s room, and here you can choose spotlights.

Когда с потолком будет покончено можно приступать, к отделке стен и пола.

It is best for walls to choose decorative wallpapers that will give the room the desired theme, and this coating should be detergent so that you can easily remove all the drawings from the surface. The flooring can be selected carpet. And most importantly in the children’s room this is the child’s safety.